Residential and Office Building (State subsidized housing program)

Residential and Office Building (State subsidized housing program)

Gospić, 2004

The forming of the structure of this residential and business building in Gospić is conditioned by several existing elements, but also by new decisions:
- the existing planning regulations provide that the corner must be designed as an open square with a surface area measuring 14 x 14 m, although the structure is planned on the large main city square;
- In an essentially rural environment the intention is to form an urban matrix in the town centre;
- the size of the of the commissioned building (30 apartments) influences the structure of several elements that mutually define the scale;
- the width of each element and their separation leave a space for communication, but in this way the residential part is also provided with light and ventilation from two sides;
- narrow red crevices stress the height of particular structures, marking them as the tallest towers in the town.

Formiranje strukture stambeno-poslovne građevine u Gospiću uvjetovano je s nekoliko zatečenih elemenata, ali i novim odlukama:
- postojeća planska regulativa obvezala je projektiranje ugla kao otvorenog trga dimenzije 14x14 m, iako se objekt planira na glavnom, velikom gradskom trgu;
- sredina zatečenoga ruralnog karaktera ima želju oformiti urbanu matricu gradskog središta;
- veličina zadanog objekta (30 stanova) potencira strukturu više elemenata koji međusobno definiraju mjerilo;
- širina svakog elementa, njihovo razdvajanje, ostavlja prostor za komunikaciju, ali i stambeni sadržaji postaju osvijetljeni i ventilirani dvostrano;
- uski crveni procjepi naglašavaju visinu pojedinog objekta i oni postaju najviši tornjevi u gradu.

Residential and Office Building (State subsidized housing program)

built 2002_ 
Igor Franić

Client: Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction

Gross surface area: 2 700 m2

Site area: 1 500 m2