The construction area is in the central part of the green belt at the foot of Mount Sljeme; it is surrounded by residential buildings, as well as by accompanying and public facilities. The construction lot is trapezoidal in shape and the height difference on the inclined slope is about 4 m. The central mass of the structure is shifted by half a storey, adapting to the configuration of the terrain. The floor-plan organization of apartments around the central vertical communication follows the changes at each level and through spatial interrelations realizes the different possibilities of using particular residential zones. The spaces are not clearly divided, but through their structure and the form of the floor-plan, they define separate units that can be interpreted in different ways in everyday usage. The fronts of the buildings resolve the relationship with their environment by varied treatment. The entrance front is open and vertically divided, featuring stressed window jambs. By altering the level of glass transparency, the openness of the front changes. The south-west front of the living rooms has protruding, two-metre-deep terraces and a glass wall along its entire length. The other two sides are conceived as chromatically marked walls with openings.
Prostor zahvata nalazi se u centralnom dijelu zelenoga, podsljemenskog područja, a okružen je stambenim zgradama te pratećim i javnim sadržajima. Građevna parcela trapeznog je oblika, a visinska razlika pada terena iznosi približno 4 m. Osnovni volumen zgrade poluetažno je pomaknut i prilagođuje se konfiguraciji terena. Tlocrtna organizacija stanova, oko centralne vertikalne komunikacije, prati visinske pomake i prostornim međuodnosima ostvaruje različite mogućnosti korištenja pojedinih stambenih zona. Prostori nisu jasno odvojeni nego strukturom i tlocrtnim oblikom definiraju zasebne cjeline, koje se u svakodnevnom korištenju mogu interpretirati na različite načine. Pročelja zgrade različitim tretiranjem razrješavaju odnos s okolinom. Ulazno pročelje je otvoreno i vertikalno podijeljeno s istaknutim doprozornicima. Izmjenom prozirnosti ostakljenja mijenja se otvorenost tog pročelja. Jugozapadno pročelje dnevnog boravka ima istaknute, dva metra duboke terase i po cijeloj duljini staklenu stijenu. Preostale dvije strane zamišljenu su kao kromatski naglašeni zidovi s otvorima.
Client: Megrapcommerce, Zagreb
Gross surface area: 1 165 m2
Site area: 700 m2