The existing location can be primarly characterized as being situated at the beginning of Voćarska Street, in the immediate vicinity of a roundabout, as well as steep street descending from the bottom of the Zagreb hills.The dimension and the outlook of the existing buildings,, which diverge from the expected quality of the busy city crossroads, permeate the street front. The new construction includes two site plots, with street numbers 3 and 5, whitc are completly interpolated within the front of the street façade. A stretched and precise line structure intergrates all the programmes and sets the new dimension and scale of the urban space. The existing, accidental breaks on the edges of the site provide the line façade with a perspective correction, forming a clear boundary that indicates that it is a double house. The selected brick material continues the line of existing surrounding buildings. The black colour presents the base / passe-partout to the natural earth tone of the brick block. The street and the yaed side have the same membrane structure, but differ in the manner how they open outwards. The street front, with strip windows, is calmer, whereas the yard side is more porous, free and composed in accordance with the logic of the internal organization of the space. The building has an open plan designe. Sanitary / service facilities, arranged within the allowed plan scope, divide the space into possible functional units that have no clear divisions, which allows free views. The line of the interior of both façades is a continuously free, uniquely functional working space. The diverse residential space, including a duplex situated on the last two storeys, is located below the doctor's office. Immediately next to the road, with a half-storey distance, there are garage and business facilities.
Glavne odrednice zatečene lokacije su početak Voćarske, blizina kružnog toka i ulica u nagibu na početku zagrebačkih obronaka. Postojeće građevine ispunjaju uličnu frontu dimenzijom i izgledom koji odstupaju od očekivane kvalitete ambijenta gradskog živog raskrižja. Nova struktura obuhvaća dvije parcele, na brojevima 3 i 5, u potpunosti interpolirane unutar fronte ulične fasade. Razapeta i precizna linijska struktura objedinjuje sve sadržaje i uspostavlja novu dimenziju i mjerilo urbanog prostora. Zatečeni slučajni lomovi rubova parcela linijskom pročelju daju perspektivnu korekciju, formirajući jasan rub koji ukazuje na to da se radi o dvojnom objektu. Odabrani materijal opeke nastavlja niz postojećih okolnih objekata. Crna boja predstavlja podlogu/paspatru prirodnoj zemljanoj boji opekarskog bloka. Ulična i dvorišna strana imaju jednaku strukturu opne, no razlikuje se u karakteru rastvaranja. Ulična fronta je mirnija, s trakastim prozorima, dok je dvorišna porozna, slobodnija i komponirana sukladno logici interne organizacije prostora. Tlocrti su organizirani kao slobodan pad. Sanitarni / servisni otoci raspoređeni unutar dozvoljenog tlocrtnog opsega dijele prostor u moguće funkcionalne cjeline, ostavljajući poglede slobodnima. Linija interijera uz oba pročelja kontinuirano je slobodna, jedinstvena uporabljiva radna ploha. Raznoliki stambeni prostor, koji uključuje i jedan dupleks smješten na zadnjim dvjema etažama, nalazi se ispod liječničke ordinacije, a neposredno uz prometnicu s poluetažnim odmakom nalaze se garažni i poslovni sadržaji.
Client: Private
Gross surface area: 1 254 m2
Site area: 431 m2