The new building of the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) is planned within the future Student Campus Borongaj. The set urban rules represent a clear framework for the space organization as well the parameters for future construction within individual blocks (“cassettes”). In this context, a notion of a cluster was defined as a task which complements program requirements and sets out a potential conceptual determinant of this part of the urban tissue of the city of Zagreb, establishing a relation with student, university typology of the new city of knowledge. The proposed composition of units which are mutually distant but organised into a complex and function as a compound represents an interesting task. The units forming a composition can be perceived on two levels. Individual capsules, cubes, are defined in a simple manner in both organisational and spatial sense and represent a framed unit which, by its communicational and spatial relations, enables the required contents to be formed. The qualities realized within the unit are superposed in the form of a multiplied structure into a composition which enables them to be emphasized, forming new qualities essential for such a complex program. A clear volume in the form of a cube appears in a spatially symmetrical interrelation where four elements form an indivisible rule framed by both volumes and empty spaces. Thus, units exist but there is also a continuity of a flat façade and a clear “interior” captured space as a connection, centre and a counterpoint of the entire composition. A newly realized structure can be perceived through and related to natural rules we live by, study and admire. Each of the elements of the set structure pertains to one cardinal direction and by its interrelations enables illumination which follows the path of the Sun, the rays of light depending on the part of the day.
The organisation forming a quatrefoil allows for individual work groups to be formed and through its dimensions it realizes clear interrelations and work connections as required by the programme task. The sizes of the zones within the floor plan enable an office organisation based on the system of individual offices but also an open work space freely organized without partition walls. The position of vertical communications also contributes to a greater flexibility and ensures a possibility of forming different functional units.
A central workroom and storerooms are organized in the basement, framed by an open garage space which enables simple entrance and access to all service contents. The basement is open which provides a natural light to all workrooms in which people stay. Archives and storerooms are located in the closed central area of the basement. On the ground floor, oriented east to west and perpendicular to the basement level, are located all laboratories distributed in simple, given units. Such a position on the terrain itself enables access to all laboratory units. All areas have natural ventilation and waste material pathways are secured as well which is very important. Main vertical communications enable this space to be connected to the basement area as well as other facilities situated on higher floors. The entrance is located on the first floor and it can be reached through a representative spacious stairway. The entrance hall is open towards the sky and it is free with clear communication routes. In addition to the main hall, this floor accommodates a conference hall, a part of the library and catering facilities. All other departments of the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service are organized from the second to the sixth floor, respecting the requirements for functional connections between the departments. The Director's office, the required accompanying facilities with the terrace, the fitness centre as well as the Weather Analysis and Forecasting Department with the operational hall facing three cardinal directions are placed on the top floor. Roof terraces are an important part of the complex from both aesthetic and functional perspective as they accommodate technical and measurement devices.
Nova građevina DHMZ-a planirana je unutar budućeg Studentskog kampusa Borongaj. Uspostavljena urbana pravila predstavljaju jasan okvir organizacije prostora, ali i parametre za buduću gradnju u pojedinim kasetama. U tom kontekstu definiran je pojam „klastera” kao zadatak koji nadograđuje programske uvjete i postavlja moguću konceptualnu odrednicu ovog dijela urbanog tkiva grada Zagreba, dovodeći ga u relaciju sa studentskim, sveučilišnim tipologijama novog grada znanja. Predložena kompozicija jedinki u sklop koji zvuči jedinstveno, a jedinke su ipak međusobno udaljene, predstavlja zanimljiv zadatak. Dva su nivoa sagledavanja jedinice koje čine kompoziciju. Samostalne kapsule, kubusi jednostavno su definirani kako organizacijski tako i prostorno te predstavljaju uokvirenu cjelinu koja komunikacijsko-prostornim odnosima omogućuje formiranje zadanih sadržaja. Kvalitete koje su uspostavljene u jedinici nadograđuju se umnoženom strukturom u kompoziciju koja ih naglašava, formirajući nove kvalitete nužne za ovako složen program. Jasan volumenski tip kocke pojavljuje se u prostorno simetričnom međuodnosu, gdje četiri elementa uspostavljaju pravilo, nedjeljivo, uokvireno kako volumenima tako i prazninama. Na ovakav način iščitavaju se jedinice, ali i uspostavlja kontinuitet plošne fasade i jasnoga „unutrašnjeg” zarobljenog prostora kao poveznice, centra i kontrapunkta cijele kompozicije. Novonastalu strukturu moguće je promatrati i dovesti u vezu s prirodnim pravilima po kojima živimo, koja proučavamo i kojima se divimo. Svaki od elemenata postavljene strukture pripada jednoj strani svijeta i u međuodnosu s ostalim elementima osigurava osvjetljenja koja prate putanju Sunca, zrake svjetla u odnosu na dio dana.
Četverolisna organizacija omogućuje uspostavu samostalnih radnih skupina, a isto tako svojom dimenzijom ostvaruje jasne međuodnose i radnu povezanost, kao što je traženo projektnim zadatkom. Veličine tlocrtnih zona osiguravaju uredsku organizaciju po principu zasebnih kancelarija, ali isto tako otvorenoga radnog prostora potpuno slobodne organizacije bez pregradnih zidova. Položaj komunikacijskih vertikala također pridonosi većoj fleksibilnosti i ostvaruje mogućnost formiranja različitih funkcionalnih cjelina.
Centralna radionica i spremišta organizirani su u podrumskom dijelu, uokvireni otvorenim garažnim prostorom koji osigurava jednostavan ulaz i pristup svim servisnim sadržajima. Podrum je otvoren, što osigurava prirodno svjetlo svim radionicama gdje ljudi borave. U zatvorenom, središnjem dijelu podruma nalaze se arhivi i spremišta. U prizemnoj etaži, orijentiranoj istok – zapad okomito na podrumski sklop, smješteni su svi laboratoriji, podijeljeni u jednostavne, zadane cjeline. Ovakva pozicija na samom terenu omogućava pristup svim laboratorijskim cjelinama. Svi su prostori prirodno zračeni, a, što je važno, osiguran je put otpadnih stvari. Glavne vertikalne komunikacije osiguravaju povezanost ovog prostora i podrumskog dijela s ostatkom sadržaja koji su smješteni na katovima. Ulazna je etaža na prvom katu i do nje se dolazi reprezentativnim prostornim stubištem. Ulazno predvorje otvoreno je prema nebu, slobodno, s jasnim komunikacijskim pravcima. Na etaži glavnog predvorja uz konferencijsku dvoranu nalazi se dio knjižnice te ugostiteljski sadržaji. Sve ostale službe DHMZ-a organizirane su od 2. do 6. kata, naravno, poštujući zahtjeve za funkcionalnu povezanost pojedinih službi. Na zadnjoj etaži nalaze se ured ravnatelja s traženim pratećim sadržajima i terasom, fitness-centar te odjel vremenskih analiza i prognoze s operativnom salom orijentiranom na tri strane. Krovne su terase važan dio cijelog sklopa, oblikovno, ali i funkcionalno, kao prostor tehničkih i mjernih uređaja.
Client: Meteorological and Hidrological Service
Gross surface area: 19 678 m2
Site area: 19 388 m2