Zadar City Market

Zadar City Market

Zadar, 2016

The first interventions to the existing condition within scope area are cleaning, area rehabilitation, removing of all redundant elements. This procedure enables perceiving of the area and in some cases, when town centers are in question, it is sufficient. The void which thus occurs opens for a new ambience, not so crowded, which is sometimes surprising, functional.

The urban structure of Zadar Peninsula is clearly defined by a regular grid of streets and peripheral wall. In that way, the balance between inside and outside has been developed which is clearly seen in all scales – the town turns into a house, and a house into town. Existing squares are more a part of a closed, defined structure than an open space. The square is equal to the facility. The market area becomes clearly defined with boundaries. The entrances have been set up, you are either on the inside or the outside. The streets are of regular form, arranged in a grid structure. These relations are obvious no matter their history or time of occurrence. They exist in the present time, which means constantly, eternally.

The market is roofed and presents a whole ambience, defined by a roof structure, peripheral girders/walls, edge auditorium and frontal wall on the upper and lower side.

Peripheral, edge sitting emphasizes the qualities of sale/trade area, adds to its importance and strives to turn it into a theatre ambience which reflects the town's everyday life in a peak tourist moment. Town markets are attractive, the places you must visit and soak the atmosphere, and where you dwell and try to understand the cultural tradition of the Mediterranean reflected in everyday life. In this case, the aim is to extend that rhythm to most of the day, all to the evening.

On the side overlooking the town, the space is open, dense, emphasized by an interchanging rhythm of pillars and above-lights. The remaining area is flat, uniform, with a uniform grid, closed to the wall and with a view towards the top of the city walls.
The view from the top of the city walls towards the market interior is also realizable.

In the second phase, the closed market is located along the street. The facility consists of a jacket and the sales areas with interior structure. The jacket, collar, does not stand on the ground, it is elevated by a half of the man's height, creating the floating feeling.
The ambience is additionally emphasized by individual half-circle independent openings of larger dimensions. Thus, the perception of the object is shifted by creating distance from the scales of surrounding buildings. Contrary to the neighborhood, a full surface dominates, the openings are edged, of highlighted one dimension.

The most important element of urban equipment is a market table/bank. It has been designed in a way to satisfy the requirements for firmness, resilience, handling simplicity and also to enable practical storage. Table/bank consists of two equal metal frames within which surface for selling is reassembled, which is a resistible multi-layered plywood. By reassembling, the surface for selling is fixed on the inside, between two rows of frames, and by its fixation it gives a required firmness to the whole assembly, but also a clear orientation to the seller's and buyer's side.

All other elements of urban equipment have been chosen as standard, typical products which by their reflexion comply with the basic idea of the complex, and by their execution ensure durability.

After longer considering, the materials have been suggested which above all satisfy the requirements for usage qualities of future contents: trade, hygiene, maintenance, public area. Thus, the ground is made of stone (with possible retaining of existing formwork), the edge sitting banks are also made of stone blocks, peripheral bearing walls are of white concrete, designed with a carefully put panels; rounded girders are also in this phase envisaged as made of concrete with a possibility of execution from thick aluminium sheet metal or with an aluminium coating only. The particulars of the connection joint of those two girders and a fastener for glass strips which ensure complete protection from precipitation are made of steel, permanently resistant to atmospheric agents of the local climate.

Prva je reakcija na zatečenu situaciju unutar zone obuhvata čišćenje, saniranje, oslobađanje svih nepotrebnih elemenata. Ovaj postupak omogućuje sagledavanje prostora, a ponekad, kad je riječ o samim gradskim središtima, posve je dovoljan. Praznina koja nastane stvori novi ambijent, suprotan gužvi, ponekad začuđujući, funkcionalno iskoristiv.

Urbana struktura zadarskog poluotoka jasno je definirana pravilnim rasterom ulica i obodnim zidom. Na taj je način uspostavljen odnos unutra – van, koji se jasno iščitava u svim mjerilima – grad postaje kuća, a kuća grad. Zatečeni / postojeći trgovi više pripadaju zatvorenoj, definiranoj strukturi nego otvorenome prostoru. Trg je jednak objektu. Prostor tržnice dobiva jasnu definiciju, omeđenost. Uspostavljeni su ulazi, „ili si unutra ili si vani“. Ulice su pravilne, rasterskom strukturom uspostavljaju red. Ovi odnosi iščitavaju se bez obzira na povijest, bez obzira na vrijeme nastanka. Egzistiraju sada, što znači stalno, vječno.

Tržnica je natkrivena, predstavlja cjelovit ambijent, definiran krovnom strukturom, obodnim nosačima / zidovima, rubnim gledalištem i čeonim zidom na gornjoj i donjoj strani.

Obodno, rubno sjedenje naglašava prostor prodaje / trgovine, daje mu na važnosti i pokušava mu stvoriti ambijent kazališta koji oslikava svakodnevni život grada u rastućem turističkom trenutku. Gradske su tržnice atrakcije, mjesto obaveznog odlaska i upijanja osjeta te boravak i razumijevanje kulturne svakodnevne tradicije mediteranskog podneblja. U ovom slučaju želja je da se taj ritam proširi na veći dio dana, do večeri.

S gradske strane prostor je otvoren, gust, s naglašenim ritmom stupova i nadsvjetla. Drugi je dio ravan, jednoličan, s ujednačenim rasterom, zatvoren prema zidu, a pogledom usmjerenim prema vrhu bedema.
Moguć je pogled s vrha bedema prema unutrašnjosti tržnice.

Druga faza zatvorene tržnice smještena je uz ulicu. Objekt se sastoji od plašta i unutrašnje strukture prodajnih prostora. Plašt, obujmica, ne stoji na podu, podignut je za pola visine čovjeka, stvarajući atmosferu lebdenja.
Ambijent je dodatno naglašen pojedinačnim, polukružnim, samostalnim otvorima većih dimenzija. Na taj način pomiče se percepcija objekta, stvarajući odmak od mjerila okolnih građevina. Za razliku od susjedstva, prevladava puna ploha, a otvori su rubni, naglašene jedne dimenzije.

Najvažniji je element urbane opreme prodajni stol / banak u tržnici. Projektiran je na način da zadovolji traženu čvrstoću, otpornost, jednostavnost rukovanja, a isto tako da omogući praktično skladištenje. Stol / klupa / banak sastoji se od dva jednaka metalna okvira unutar kojih se otklapa prodajna ploha, otporna višeslojna šperploča. Otklapanjem radna se ploha uglavljuje unutar, između dva reda okvira, i svojim fiksiranjem cijelom sklopu daje traženu čvrstoću, ali i jasnu orijentiranost prema prodavatelju i kupcu.

Svi su ostali elementi urbane opreme izabrani kao standardni, tipski proizvodi koji svojim promišljanjem zadovoljavaju osnovnu ideju kompleksa, a izvedbom osiguravaju trajnost.

Zadar City Market

Igor Franić
Zorana Debeljuh
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Sonja Franić
Petar Reić
Josipa Sarić
Simona Sović Štos
3D – Ivan Franić

Client: City of Zadar

Gross surface area:

Site area: 1 ha