Bauhaus Museum in Dessau

Bauhaus Museum in Dessau

Dessau-Roßlau, 2015

The new museum is to go beyond the familiarity of mere recognition and establish a more complex relationship between symbol and point of reference. Therefore, we have established an open system under the primacy of the formal language of the spatial organization that moves from the mimetic representativeness in the direction of another type of model that provides a visual and sensory perception. The openings in the parallel structural walls have their alter ego in the partitions with which they are connected, and so we free the shape of the base, so that there is a clear link with the space around it.
The zoning of the plan is clear and functional, is characterized by elegant simplicity, geometric clarity, according to the natural beauty that Kant formulated. Reduced to the necessary and rational. The basic structure of the building is formed by "two-directional walls", whose overlaps create functional spatial relations, but also define the point of anchorage, bearing.

Museum in the park*

The ground floor is completely open in the east-west orientation, creating a clear relationship Road-Museum-Park, which is equally important, viewed from out of town and out of the greenery of the park. The sequencing of the content shown in the regular grid of parallel walls provides a clear functional direction of use, but by the formation of vertical communication, the "skipping" of functions is allowed, the reprogramming of certain areas, so that the space for temporary exhibitions follows the part of the permanent collection, and the like. The ground floor is exposed for looks, while the floor seems introverted, closed, oriented towards the longer side, so as to create a dynamic overlapping of the contents of exhibitions and to allow a clear path of the tour and the viewing.
All the walls are concrete walls, highlighted constructively, and the glass surfaces are bordered in black thin steel sections, which can be rotated and tilted in different directions.

Open circuit*

The vertical structure of the support walls defines the bearing points, the stress points of the structure as a space lattice. The openings that serve the communication and function break the set structure and are composed of uniform circular segment openings. The superposition of two mutually arranged perpendicular segments of the circle creates a stressed point, a spacious two-dimensional open circuit as the segment of experience of sincere constructiveness, of construction, the symbol of harmony.
Recurring motifs or the total of views through the openings, the equipment and shadows form a special illusion of space and light.

Novi muzej treba nadići familijarnost pukog prepoznavanja i uspostaviti kompleksniji odnos između znaka i referenta. Zato smo unutar primata formalnog jezika prostorne organizacije uspostavili otvoren sustav, pomaknut od mimetičke reprezentativnosti prema drukčijem modelu renderiranja vizualnih i osjetilnih percepcija. Otvori u nosivim paralelnim zidovima imaju svoj alter-ego u pregradama vezanim na njih, i na taj način oslobađamo oblik svoje osnove tako da ima definitivan odnos s prostorom oko sebe. Tlocrtni zoning je jasan i funkcionalan, elegantne jednostavnosti, geometrijske jasnoće, prema Kantovoj prirodnoj ljepoti. Reduciran na neophodno i racionalno. Osnovnu strukturu objekta čine ''dvosmjerni zidovi'', čijim se preklapanjem uspostavljaju funkcionalno prostorni odnosi, ali i definiraju točke usidrenja, nošenja.

Muzej u parku*

Prizemlje je potpuno otvoreno u smjeru istok-zapad, uspostavljajući jasan odnos ulica-muzej-park, jednako važan iz smjera grada i iz zelenila parka. Nizanje zadanih sadržaja unutar pravilnog rastera paralelnih zidova uspostavlja jasan funkcionalan smjer korištenja, ali postavom vertikalnih komunikacija omogućeno je i ''preskakanje'' funkcija, reprogramiranje pojedinih zona, na način da se prostoru za povremene izložbe pridruži dio stalnog postava i slično. Prizemlje je otvoreno pogledima, dok je kat introvertiran, zatvoren, usmjeren po dužoj strani, stvarajući dinamičan preklop izložbenih sadržaja uz omogućavanje jasnog puta obilaska i razgledavanja. Svi su zidovi betonski, konstruktivno naglašeni, a staklene površine uokvirene crnim, tankim, čeličnim profilima, zaokretnim i otklopnim u raznim smjerovima.

Otvoreni krug*

Okomito postavljena struktura nosivih zidova definira točke oslonca, napetosti nosive konstrukcije kao prostornog rastera. Komunikacijski i funkcionalni prodori kroz postavljenu strukturu su jednoobrazni, kružni, segmentni otvori. Preklapanjem dvaju međusobno okomitih segmenata kruga dobiva se naglašena točka, prostorna dvodimenzionalna otvorena kružnica, kao segment doživljaja iskrene konstruktivnosti, građenja, simbola harmonije. Ponavljanje motiva ili cjelina, pogledi kroz otvore, oprema i sjene, tvore posebnu iluziju prostora i osvjetljenja.

Bauhaus Museum in Dessau

Igor Franić
Zorana Debeljuh
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Sonja Franić
Petar Reić
Josipa Sarić
Simona Sović Štos

Client: Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and City of Dessau-Roßlau

Gross surface area: 3 504 m2

Site area: 8 294 m2