By placing a new museum at the Helsinki South Harbour, top sights in the very centre of the city become integrated, and in wider sense, in the world context the museum becomes a part of the Guggenheim "constellation of satellite museums", the rappers of the culture world. A place is established where art is more accessible and exposed in new ways which highlight and emphasize the value of the artefact. The building organically corresponds to the pre-existent condition, historically developed forms, housing blocks’ background and the vicinity of the very centre and the port. It reacts to the already existing, it communicates and opposes the neighbourhood. Tahitiornin park protrudes out to the coast naturally and with no hindrances, emphasizing new pedestrian, cycling and running paths and keeping its central and transitional place between the housing blocks and the port. The lighthouse which can be seen from far away and from which you can enjoy the view has maybe always been there, like Soumenlinna and the islands, presenting a new warning and the light in the darkness. The exhibitions will be set up on more floors through a moveable, spatial structure of maximum flexibility with cubicles that take in the set programmes : exhibition halls, auditoriums, a restaurant, a café, spatial repositories, vertical communications and installations. The structure is emphasized in a way that all spaces can function as all other spaces at the same time, enabling the complete functional rearrangement. A dynamic spatial organization consists of a horizontal communication element, a multiplied, regular grid and free vertically extended cubes within a glass membrane transparent on both sides (the offices are located on upper floors within the membrane zone), bringing dynamics of fullness and emptiness into relations between main and accompanying spaces. The vertical split enables a series of unexpectedly fresh sensations. The exhibition areas can be seen as whole spatial units viewed from various spatial empty spaces with differently conceived and controlled experiences: completely closed, introverted space surrounded by walls, the space defined by its floor and ceiling without walls and completely open space with a view of the Gulf of Finland and the port.
An open gallery hall leads between the spaces of the closed exhibition halls. Indoor passageways alternate on the side where the city, namely the port, is located with same importance, turning the whole structure into an exhibition activity with no clear boundaries.
Wood has an important role in designing exhibition areas along with a modern reinterpretation of tradition by using a contemporary method of its treatment and fitting in.
This kind of structure of solid and hard-edge formalism is a natural part of a new coastal forepart of the city, a new landmark, a lighthouse on an eternally changing coast.
Pozicioniranjem novog muzeja u južnu luku, Helsinki zatvara krunu znamenitosti užeg središta te u svjetskim okvirima postaje član Guggenheim zviježđa, repera kulturnog svijeta.
Uspostavlja se prostor gdje je umjetnost dostupnija i izložena na nove načine koji ističu i pojačavaju vrijednost artističkog čina. Objekt organski odgovara zatečenom stanju, povijesno razvijenim oblicima, blokovskom beckgroundu, blizini najužeg centra i luke, reagira na postojeće, komunicira i suprotstavlja susjedstvo. Tahitiornin park neometano i prirodno izlazi na obalu, potencirajući nove pješačke, biciklističke i trkačke tokove, zadržavajući središnje i prijelazno mjesto između blokova i luke. Svjetionik koji se vidi izdaleka i odakle se pruža pogled, možda je uvijek i bio tamo, kao što su Soumenlinna i otoci, novo upozorenje i svjetlo u tami. Izložbe će se prikazivati na više katova kroz pokretljivu, prostornu, maksimalno fleksibilnu strukturu, s boksovima koji primaju zadane sadržaje: izložbene dvorane, auditorije, restoran, caffe, prostrana spremišta, vertikalne komunikacije i instalacije. Struktura je naglašena na način da svi prostori mogu biti sve - potpuno je ostvariva funkcionalna preraspodjela. Dinamična prostorna organizacija sastoji se od horizontalnog elementa komunikacija, multipliciranog, pravilnoga grida te slobodnih, vertikalno rastegnutih kubusa unutar obostrano transparentne staklene opne (na višim su katovima unutar zone opne smješteni uredi), dinamizirajući punim i praznim odnose glavnih i pratećih prostora. Vertikalna razvedenost omogućava niz neočekivano svježih senzacija. Izložbene prostore moguće je tumačiti kao jedinstven volumen, sagledan iz različitih prostornih gledišta, s različito koncipiranim i kontroliranim doživljajima: potpuno zatvoren, introvertiran prostor, omeđen zidovima, zatim prostor definiran podom i stropom bez zidova, te potpuno otvoreni horizont s pogledom na Finski zaljev i luku.
Otvoreno galerijsko predvorje prolazi volumenom zatvorenih izložbenih dvorana. Pasaži se izmjenjuju na strani grada, tj. luke, s istom važnošću, pretvarajući cijelu strukturu u izložbenu aktivnost, bez jasne granice. Drvo ima važnu ulogu u dizajniranju izložbenih prostora, uz modernu reinterpretaciju tradicije kroz suvremeni način obrade i ugradnje. Ovakva struktura solida i hard edge oblikovanja prirodni je dio novoga morskog pročelja grada, novi landmark, svjetionik na vječno promjenjivoj obali.
Client: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, State of Finland, City of Helsinki
Gross surface area: 12 016 m2
Site area: 18 375 m2