The pavilion is a one-floor construct, elevated from the terrain, reversed, elusive and immeasurable. This relation toward the surrounding space establishes new dimensions, new reversed aspects.
There are three basic elements that form the structure of the Arts Pavilion – an open plaza, the vertical communication in the central zone and the “roof”, a closed exhibition space with a glass floor/under-light.
The outer covered area becomes an important element of the entire composition. It allows new possibilities, it provides potential. Its facades/boundaries are invisible, existing in the infinity of panorama, including the vistas of the dynamic city, the silhouette of skyscrapers, the nature, the sea. Its boundary exceeds the site, and the velocity it establishes is determined by the velocity of our gaze
Paviljon je jednoetažan, podignut od terena, obrnut, neuhvatljiv i nesaglediv. Takvim odnosom prema prostoru oko sebe uspostavljaju se nove dimenzije, novi obrnuti pogledi.
Tri osnovna elementa koji čine strukturu Arts Paviliona su otvoreni trg, vertikalna komunikacija u centralnoj zoni te „krov“, zatvoreni izložbeni prostor sa staklenim podom/ podsvjetlom.
Vanjski natkriveni prostor postaje važan element ukupne kompozicije. On otvara nove mogućnosti, potencijalan je. Njegove fasade/ granice su nevidljive, egzistiraju u beskonačnosti pogleda uključujući vizure dinamičnog grada, siluetu nebodera, prirode, mora. Njegova granica šira je od parcele, a brzina koji uspostavlja određena je brzinom našeg pogleda
Client: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Gross surface area: 618 m2
Site area: 1 411 m2