The location for construction of the new, St. Ana church and “Vežica” Croatian house is situated in the peripheral city area, north from the center of Rijeka.
Spaces passed over in silence
The house is formed as the assembly of the dominant church with a glass square in front, hosting other required objects of pavilion type. The open space follows the same premise, representing a unique antipode to the filled space. Through an interesting mutual relationships of the units, this hybrid situations results in a new quality. The interchange of open (illuminated) and filled emphasizes the sensory and spiritual aspects. The choices of materials, colors, even the sounds – the choice was silence – represent the reification of spiritual need, evoking carpenters, masons, long forgotten shipbuilders, goldsmiths, tailors – arduous compounding and the upgrade of the historical legacy of sacral architecture.
In the composition of passage of time we catch the flashes of controlled releases of light.
The chapel is also the most intimate church space, an area of community, sincerity, encounter. This duality gives rise to the basic concept. Panels that form a porous frame and provide framework for various functions give this space indefinable, inapprehensible, undeterminable qualities with regards to dimension and end. The symbolism of Christian and mystical provenance is clearly expressed in the sacral space.
The sanctuary conceals a secret. Cloister, urban garden, yard, fenced courtyard with the view towards the sky.
Lokacija za izgradnju nove crkve Sv. Ane i Hrvatskog doma „Vežica“ nalazi se na rubnom gradskom području sjeverno od centra Rijeke.
Prešućeni prostori
Kuća se formira kao sklop dominantne crkve s ostakljenim trgom ispred, na kojem se nalaze ostali traženi objekti paviljonskog tipa. Otvoreni prostor slijedi istu premisu i predstavlja jedinstveni antipod punom prostoru. Hibridna situacija donosi novu kvalitetu kroz zanimljive međuodnose cjelina. Izmjenom otvorenog (osvijetljenog) i punog naglašen je osjetilni i duhovni aspekt. Izbor materijala, boje, čak i zvuka – izabrana je tišina - opredmaćenje je duhovne potrebe, evocira stolare, zidare, davno zaboravljene brodograditelje, zlatare, krojače - mukotrpno slaganje i nadogradnju povijesnog naslijeđa crkvene arhitekture.
U kompoziciji tijeka vremena lovimo bljeskove kontrolirano propuštenog svjetla.
Kapela je ujedno najintimniji crkveni prostor i prostor zajedništva, otvorenosti, susreta. Iz ovog dvojstva izlazi osnovni koncept. Lamele koje tvore porozni okvir i udomljavaju razne funkcije daju prostoru nedefiniranost, nedokučivost, neodredivost u smislu dimenzije i kraja.
Simbolizam kršćanske i mistične provinijencije u sakralnom je prostoru jasno izražen.
Utočište krije tajnu. Klaustar, urbani đardin, korta, ograđeno dvorište s pogledom prema nebu.
Client: City of Rijeka
Gross surface area: 2 676 m2
Site area: 3 276 m2