Building, filling the space, tailoring the city according to needs over a longer period of time, where on the go something is expanded, altered, added to, generally results in spatial remnants, residue, the precedence of the full over the empty, but just like in the stories of relics, the hand of St. Marcian remains an indicator and in evaluating the community, more important than the dichotomy. Thus, this square, intimate in its size, dynamic in its movement and irregularity, represents an almost interior, theatrical public living room in the neighborhood where the superposition of the elements: wood, stone, glass and metal attests and sets the trajectories of history evaluation. The "surreal" leaning belfry increases the dramatic element even more. The new urban space is formed not only by the facades of buildings and streets that surround it, but also with careful treatment of the horizontal, while respecting the existing values and through the choice of materials, it is "softened" and unique in its complexity. As craftsmen of urban change we open archaeological layers, add new readings, with the system of full and empty, from stem to stern by building a unique system, but at the same time subtly varying the theme according to the peculiarities and the needs of the micro-location. On the "sea" side the alteration is in the metal, on the "city" side, it’s in stone. The equipment is designed as a variation with a subtle shift in elevation.
Gradeći, puneći prostor, krojeći grad prema potrebama, kroz duže vremensko razdoblje, gdje se u hodu nešto proširuje, prepravlja, dodaje, u pravilu se dogode prostorni restlovi, žmirje, prednost punog nad praznim, ali baš kao i u pričama o relikvijama, ruka sv. Marcijana ostaje pokazateljem i u vrednovanju zajednice važniji dio dvojstva. Tako i ovaj trg, intiman po dimenzijama, dinamičan kretanjem i nepravilnošću, predstavlja gotovo interijerski, teatarski, javni dnevni boravak kvarta u kojem se superpozicijom elemenata: drva, kamena, stakla i metala iščitavaju i postavljaju trajektorije vrednovanja povijesti. „Nadrealistički“ kosi zvonik pojačava dramatiku. Novi urbani prostor formiran je ne samo pročeljima objekata i ulicama, koji ga okružuju, nego i pažljivim tretiranjem horizontale, poštujući zatečene vrijednosti, a izborom materijala „omekšan“ je i jedinstven u svojoj složenosti. Kao kalafati urbane promjene, otvaramo arheološke slojeve i dodajemo nova čitanja, sistemom punog i praznog, od prove do krme gradeći jedinstvenim sistemom, ali pritom suptilno varirajući temu prema specifičnostima i potrebama mikrolokacije.Na „morskoj“ strani alteracija je u metalu, na „gradskoj“ u kamenu. Oprema je napravljena kao varijacija, nenametljivim pomakom u elevaciji.
Client: City of Rijeka
Gross surface area: 1 300 m2
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