Zagreb Avenue, besides representing the western entrance to the city, extends into one of the main city roads.In the quality located between the natural phenomenon and the building structure there is a possible potential of the architecture for the new business building.
Looking at the typology and density of construction along the road, and the amount of green space, it is clear that the green zone decreases from Jankomir towards the crossing with Sava road. Green rhythms were created and they "survived" in the narrow and irregular, "remnants" of the longitudinal parcels. The continuous visual change between new business centers and green zones represents an interesting introduction into a dense urban structure. Rhythm is irregular, but clearly graduated from the periphery toward the center.
The very parcel of the future business structure belongs to the green zone more than to the building part. Existing vegetation is a compact unit bounded by road, a stream and the residential neighborhood Vrbani. The decision that the house belongs more to nature and less to a structure asserts itself as sincere and serves the aim of preserving the overall impression of the main urban area. The building itself becomes part of a green oasis; the volume is converted into a living, floating structure which in itself houses a working and a business environment. A simple ground-plan and height dimensions are the result of construction and the requested zoning parameters. By the analysis of vegetation and plants, a relationship is established with the cardinal directions and height. Plants are placed according to their characteristics so that in the south in the summer months they provide shade and protection from the sun and in the winter, when there are no leaves they allow a maximum of sunlight into the rooms. The West is evergreen, protected from the unpleasant low light, and the north is open, with low vegetation.
Zagrebačka avenija, osim što predstavlja zapadni ulaz u grad, proteže se u jednu od glavnih gradskih prometnica. U kvaliteti koja se nalazi između prirodnog fenomena i građevnih struktura nalazi se mogući potencijal arhitekture nove poslovne građevine. Sagledavajući tipologiju i gustoću izgradnje uzduž prometnice te količinu zelenih površina, jasno je vidljivo da se zelene zone smanjuju od Jankomira prema križanju sa Savskom cestom. Zeleni ritmovi nastali su i „preživjeli“ u uskim i nepravilnim „ostacima“ uzdužnih parcela. Neprekidna vizualna izmjena novih poslovnih centara sa zelenim zonama predstavlja zanimljiv uvod u gustu urbanu strukturu. Ritam je nepravilan, ali jasno gradiran od periferije prema centru. Parcela buduće poslovne građevine više pripada zelenoj zoni nego građevinskom dijelu. Postojeće zelenilo predstavlja kompaktnu cjelinu omeđenu prometnicom, potokom i stambenim susjedstvom Vrbana. Odluka da kuća više pripada prirodi, a manje građevini, nameće se kao iskrena i radi očuvanja ukupnog dojma glavnoga gradskog prostora. Sama građevina postaje dio zelene oaze, volumen se pretvara u živu promjenjivu strukturu koja u sebi udomljuje radni i poslovni ambijent. Jednostavan tlocrtni i visinski gabarit slijedi iz izgradivosti i traženih urbanističkih parametara. Analizom zelenila i pojedinih biljaka uspostavlja se odnos prema stranama svijeta, ali i prema visini. Biljke su postavljene prema svojim karakteristikama, i to tako da na jugu za ljetnih mjeseci osiguraju hlad i zaštitu od sunca, a u zimskim, dok nemaju lišća, maksimalno propuste sunce u prostor. Zapad je zimzelen, zaštićen od neugodnog niskog svjetla, a sjever je otvoren, s niskim biljem.
Client: Tehnomobil d.o.o.
Gross surface area: 32 300 m2
Site area: 4 520 m2