The location of the planned construction is part of the central city area where transformation of the existing building structure is in process. Thanks to its position, next to the railway line, by the beginning of the last century this area was selected for construction of different industrial complexes, warehouses, and public services. During the last ten years, this transformation has intensified, with the tendency of replacing industrial and public service facilities with pronouncedly high-rise structures, built in corresponding standards.
The new urban matrix has set the basic directions and orientations of the future residential neighbourhood. High and elongates masses are arranged on the parcel in pairs; they are maximally detached, thus achieving open views in all directions. They create a dynamic structure by stressing the void in-between as an important element of a residential block. The footprint of the garage in the basement is shifted to the verge of the project, forming a circular element in the ground-floor plan, which unifies the built structures. The garage in the basement is spatially present to the least extent, but it is an important constructive element that at the terrain level forms a surface with whose elevation into the business area and its placing underneath the structures a bond in the complex is created, as well as a recognizable urban matrix. The middle part of the land lot is reserved for a “park”, an unbuilt surface with greenery, free for practising of all kinds of leisure time activities. Narrow, elongated verticals especially stand out in the organization of apartments; they are the generator of the desired quality. The limited footprint of high-rise buildings enables a two-sided orientation, not only of apartments, but also of particular rooms, which shifts the scale and provides an additional dimension to living areas, while the orientation becomes a matter of choice – in the morning, afternoon or evening.
Lokacija planirane gradnje dio je središnjega gradskog prostora na kojem se događa transformacija postojeće građevne strukture. Zahvaljujući položaju, neposredno uz željezničku prugu, prostor je početkom prošlog stoljeća bio pogodan za smještaj raznih industrijskih kompleksa, skladišta i komunalnih objekata. U posljednjih se desetak godina transformacija intenzivirala, s tendencijom da se industrijski i komunalni sadržaji zamjenjuju s izrazito visokim objektima primjerenog standarda izvedbe. Novom urbanom matricom postavljeni su osnovni smjerovi i orijentacije budućega stambenog susjedstva.
Visoki izduženi volumeni se u parovima slažu na parceli, ostvaruju maksimalnu međusobnu udaljenost i otvorene vizure u svim smjerovima, stvaraju dinamičnu strukturu naglašavajući prazninu između kao važan element stambenog naselja. Otisak garaže u podrumu istisnut je na rubni dio zahvata i formira kružni tlocrtni element koji objedinjuje izgrađene strukture. Podrumska garaža najmanje je prisutna u prostoru, ali predstavlja važan gradbeni element koji na nivou terena formira plohu, čijim se izdizanjem u poslovni prostor i podvlačenjem ispod objekata stvara jedinstvo sklopa i prepoznatljiva urbana matrica. Središnji dio parcele rezerviran je za "park" − neizgrađenu površinu, ozelenjenu i slobodnu za prakticiranje svih vrsta slobodnih aktivnosti. Uske, izdužene vertikale u slučaju organizacije stana posebno dolaze do izražaja i generator su tražene kvalitete. Mala tlocrtna površina nebodera omogućuje dvostranu orijentaciju ne samo stana nego i pojedinih prostorija, što pomiče mjerilo, prostorima daje dodatnu dimenziju, a orijentacija postaje stvar izbora – ujutro, popodne i uvečer.
Gross surface area: 70 522 m2
Site area: 28 221 m2