Sopot Business Centre

Sopot Business Centre

Zagreb, 2011

The dynamic structure of pyramidal forms, which interchangeably open towards the north and the south is the basis of the entire complex. These elements stretch horizontally, equally through all underground and surface levels. Open spaces, narrow clefts, ramps and slanting ceilings enable communication throughout the centre, establishing a series of separate entrances, but also ensuring the possibility of airing and natural light in a large part of work areas. The openness of the structure and indentation of pedestrian flow into the new complex, as well as horizontal composition, establish directions and offer a response to the urban structure of the new city.

Dinamična struktura piramidalnih formi, koje se naizmjenično otvaraju prema sjeveru i jugu, osnova je cijelog kompleksa. Ti su elementi položeni horizontalno, i to tako da se jednako protežu kroz sve podzemne i nadzemne etaže. Otvoreni prostori, uski procijepi, rampe i kosi stropovi omogućuju komunikaciju kroz cijeli centar, uspostavljajući cijeli niz zasebnih ulaza, ali i osiguravaju mogućnost provjetravanja i prirodnog osvjetljenja velikog dijela radnih prostora.
Otvorenost strukture i uvlačenje pješačkih tokova unutar novog kompleksa, te horizontalna kompozicija uspostavlja smjerove i odgovara na urbanu strukturu novoga grada.

Sopot Business Centre

competition, 2nd prize 
Igor Franić
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Andreja Dodig
Petar Reić
Simona Sović Štos
Zorana Zdjelar
Freya d.o.o.


Gross surface area: 42 823 m2

Site area: 7 500 m2