Contemporary thought arises in the process of balancing the complete freedom and absolute control of precise perceptions (exact analysis) with the free play. It tries to encompass all the stories, to include all (possible) contrasts and contradictions in order to emphasize the true story that excites and interprets possible events. Residents of the town of Korčula did not resolve the story of their leisure by the sea, but in their "legacies", in the deep shade of the carob tree, and by the stone table by the vineyards and olive groves. The other side of peasants’ Korčula, in the places created in the island’s interior, has built its reflective image along the coast. Every place has its own harbor and fishing houses that are swollen from collecting all the agricultural life of the interior. That image is not laudable today. The third story tells of the sailors and the captain's palace, and it has retained its distinctiveness. This vacation house, located between Račišće and Korčula, is also a fisherman's abode. The vacation house aspect refers to the sojourn, which is open, spread widely and scattered throughout the terraced plot, from the road to the "mrkenta" by the sea, and the focus of activities follows the movement of the sun. The upper part of the house is the fishers abode: closed and clearly focused with controlled internal microcosm.
This house is for my dear friends. It is about the exclusive reading of identity. They are a family that primarily lives dynamically and are not easy to locate and bind to some place on the globe. Korčula presents their origin, they love it, and that is the reason they come here. Memory is their identity, they do what they do (create) and what they create has its place in their memories. It defines them. That is why this house is an excerpt of their dynamic and modern life on the edge of the coast of Korčula.
Suvremena misao nastaje u procesu balansiranja potpune slobode i apsolutne kontrole preciznih opažaja (precizne analize) i slobodne igre. Ona pokušava obuhvatiti sve priče, uključiti sve (moguće) suprotnosti, proturječnosti, u cilju naglašavanja one istinske priče što oduševljava i tumači moguće događaje. Stanovnici grada Korčule svoju ladanjsku priču nisu rješavali uz more, već u “baštinama“, u dubokom hladu rogača, na kamenom stolu uz vinograde i maslinike. Druga strana težačke Korčule, u mjestima koja su nastala u unutrašnjosti otoka, svoje su paralelne slike sagradili uz more. Svako mjesto ima svoju luku, ribarske kuće koje su nabujale i pokupile sav život poljoprivredne unutrašnjosti. Ta slika danas nije za pohvalu. Treća je priča ona o mornarima i kapetanskim dvorima koja je zadržala svoju prepoznatljivost. Ova kuća za odmor, smještena između Račišća i Korčule, i ladanjska je i ribarska. Ladanjska je na razini boravka, otvorenog, rasprostranjenog i raspršenog po cijeloj stepenastoj parceli, od puta do “mrkente“ uz more, a fokus aktivnosti okreće se uokolo sa suncem. Gornji je dio ribarski, zatvoren, jasno usmjeren s kontroliranim unutrašnjim mikrosvijetom. Kuća je za moje drage prijatelje. Tu je riječ o isključivom iščitavanju identiteta. Oni su obitelj koja prije svega živi dinamično i nije ih jednostavno locirati i vezati uz neko mjesto na zemaljskoj kugli. Korčula je njihovo porijeklo, vole je i zato ondje dolaze. Pamćenje je njihov identitet, oni su ono što rade (naprave), a ono što naprave nalazi se u njihovim sjećanjima. To ih određuje. Zato je ova kuća isječak njihova dinamičnog i suvremenog života na rubu korčulanske obale.