The transformation of an army barracks complex into a modern educational centre – a campus – is an inspiring task, especially when we consider that this is a location in the very centre of the city. The dimensions of the entire enterprise indicate that this is an important urban undertaking with new amenities that must contribute to urban transformation through the dynamics of life. The structure of the library is clearly defined by two elements:
- an envelope that contains all the necessary store-rooms and other service facilities
- the central core with reading rooms that stretch through the structure from one end to the other.
The interrelationship of these two elements responds to pre-existing functional demands for communications, but it also establishes diverse spatial qualities adaptable to individual or group work. Service entrances and separate verticals enable the unhindered distribution of books on all floors and zones. In its functional character, the structure is closed, introverted. On the inside it creates a separate world. Places for reading and studying have been given special attention. The vicinity of the peninsula and possible views have influenced their opening towards Zadar. On its south-west side the structure rises up in the air and faces the city.
Transformacija kompleksa vojarne u suvremeni edukacijski centar - kampus predstavlja poticajan zadatak, posebno kada je riječ o lokaciji u samom središtu grada. Dimenzija ukupnog zahvata predstavlja važan urbani poduhvat s novim sadržajem koji dinamikom života mora pridonijeti urbanoj transformaciji. Struktura knjižnice jasno je definirana s dva elementa:
- ovojnicom u kojoj su smještena sva potrebna spremišta knjiga i ostali servisni sadržaji;
- središnjom jezgrom čitaonica koje se provlače kroz objekt s jednog kraja na drugi.
Međuodnos tih dvaju elementa odgovara na postavljene funkcionalne zahtjeve za komunikacijama, a isto tako uspostavlja različite prostorne kvalitete prilagodljive samostalnom ili skupnom radu. Servisni ulazi i odvojene vertikale omogućuju nesmetanu distribuciju knjiga po svim katovima i zonama. Građevina je po svom funkcionalnom karakteru zatvorena, introvertirana. Objekt unutra stvara svijet za sebe. Pozornost je posvećena koncentraciji na radno mjesto čitanja i proučavanja. Blizina poluotoka i moguća vizura utjecale su na ostvarenje neodoljivih pogleda prema Zadru. Svojom jugozapadnom stranom objekt se propinje i gleda prema gradu.
Client: University of Zadar
Gross surface area: 18 769 m2
Site area: 4 609,50 m2