Nova Cesta Residential and Office Building

Nova Cesta Residential and Office Building

Zagreb, 2010

The verge of the very city centre encourages free defining of the content and the intensity of activities. The proximity of the railway, a sports centre with a large parking lot, and a block structure with residential verticals provide the entire area with pronouncedly urban character. The new hybrid structure is complex and multilayered, but unfortunately limited in height by the brief. The interweaving of amenities is realized in the spatial interplay with the street, back-yard structure of city roofs, and indented verticality of residential floors, which stretch the directions and views over and between the existing composition, highlighting the voids (in relation to solid masses).

Rubna zona samoga gradskog središta potencira slobodu u definiranju sadržaja i intenzitetu aktivnosti. Blizina pruge, sportskog centra s velikim parkiralištem, te rubna blokovska struktura sa stambenim vertikalama cijelom prostoru daje izrazito urbani karakter. Nova hibridna struktura je kompleksna, složena, nažalost planski visinski limitirana. Isprepletanje sadržaja ostvareno je u prostornoj igri odnosa prema ulici, dvorišnoj strukturi gradskih krovova te razgrađenoj vertikalnosti stambenih etaža, koje usmjerenja i vizure provlače iznad i između zatečene kompozicije, naglašavajući prazninu (u odnosu na ispunjen volumen).

Nova Cesta Residential and Office Building

built 2008_ 
Igor Franić
Tajana Derenčinovć Jelčić
Andreja Dodig
Petar Reić
Simona Sović Štos
Zorana Zdjelar

Client: Zagrebgradnja d.o.o.

Gross surface area: 19 927 m2

Site area: 3 803 m2