Split Faculty of Law

Split Faculty of Law

Split, 2008

The variety of contents, the existing scale, the bustling of students, the interweaving of outer and inner space, and education in a Mediterranean city all form the framework of decisions about the character of the future faculty.
The new structure is characterized by two basic elements:
- the sloping platform of the entrance square that adapts and accepts surrounding situations;
- the recognizable cubes of the educational halls, which, apart from absorbing the contents, create and define the surrounding open space.

Raznolikost sadržaja, zatečeno mjerilo, studentska vreva, isprepletanje vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora i edukacija u mediteranskom gradu formiraju okvire odluka o karakteru budućeg fakulteta.
Osnovne elemente nove strukture čine:
- skošena platforma ulaznog trga koja se prilagođuje i prihvaća okolne situacije;
- prepoznatljivi kubusi edukacijskih dvorana, koji osim što primaju sadržaje unutar sebe stvaraju i definiraju okolni slobodni, vanjski prostor.

Split Faculty of Law

Igor Franić
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Andreja Dodig
Petar Reić
Simona Sović Štos
Zorana Zdjelar

Client: The University of Split

Gross surface area: 15 398 m2

Site area: 2 500 m2