NY House

NY House

Korčula, 2011

Follow where the heart pulls you

Strećica is a little cove west of the city; an outstretched arm of the Saint Nicholas monastery; originally Mediterranean ancient forest landscape. The air is fraught with cricket chirping and pine scent in the summer, replaced by wind and waves in the winter. The belt between the road and the sea is thick with family houses. The plateau of the wharf itself is a rundown industrial zone, which, due to the terrain steep configuration does not reduce quality. The lot is situated in the line of already existing houses, between the sea and the road, in the very wharf. The project represents a Cartesian puzzle of fulfilled and empty – lodging units, garden terraces and the courtyard (court) – a controlled suburban Tetris that adheres to broader proportion. The quality of wall and floor textures’ processing bears witness to status and function. The importance of shades in the Mediterranean climate is of great importance. Therefore, the outer spaces vary, as well as the division of masses into closed, ajar and open. Apart from the life of the investor (contemporary art collector, and businessman) and the location, the house draws inspiration from the roots or echoes of something the architecture of family houses might have developed into, had its point of origin been a city palace instead of a simple agricultural hovel in the field. Immersed into a gardens of oranges and lemons, lavender and rosemary, this intimate house remains silent in her torment of mass, compressed between the people and the sea.

„The home is a collection and concretization of personal images of protection and intimacy, which help one recognize and remember one’s identity.“ **
* Susanna Tamaro _ novel
** Juhani Pallasmaa _ “Encounters 1”

Pođi kamo te srce vodi *

Strećica je mala uvala zapadno od grada, pružena ruka samostana Sv. Nikole, izvorno krajolik mediteranske prašume. Zrak, ljeti ispunjen svirkom cvrčaka i mirisom borova, zimi smjenjuju vjetar i valovi. Gusta izgradnja obiteljskih kuća ispunjava pojas između mora i ceste. Visoravan samog mandrača je propala industrijska zona, koja zbog strme konfiguracije terena ne oduzima kvalitetu. Parcela je smještena u nizu postojećih kuća, između mora i ceste, u središtu mandrača. Projekt predstavlja kartezijanski mozaik punog i praznog - smještajnih jedinica, vrtnih terasa i dvorišta (dvora) - kontrolirani suburbani tetris, koji prati šire mjerilo. Teksture zidova i podova kvalitetom obrade govore o položaju i funkciji. Važnost sjena u mediteranskom podneblju vrlo je velika. Zbog toga variraju vanjski prostori, kao i raščlamba masa u zatvorene, poluotvorene i ovorene. Kuća crpi inspiraciju, osim iz života investitora (kolekcionar suvremene umjetnosti, biznismen) i lokacije, i iz korijena ili odjeka nečega u što se mogla razviti arhitektura obiteljskih kuća da je njezino polazište bila gradska palača, a ne poljoprivredna kućica na baštini. Uronjena u nasade naranči i limuna, lavande i ružmarina, ova intimna kuća šuti mukom mase, stisnuta između mora i ljudi.

„The home is a collection and concretization of personal images of protection and intimacy, which help one recognize and remember one’s identity.“ **
* Susanna Tamaro _ novel
** Juhani Pallasmaa _ Ecounters1

NY House

built 2009_ 
Igor Franić
Tajana Derenčinović
Andreja Dodig
Petar Reić
Simona Sović Štos
Zorana Zdjelar

Client: Private individual

Gross surface area: 287 m2

Site area: 750 m2