When we leave the main Adriatic road near Ston and take the road down the Pelješac peninsula, a positive air can be felt, optimism. Like in the past, new vineyards are formed out of low bush and karst. The slopes of the terrain exposed to the sun are fenced in by dry stone walls that keep the fertile soil, dry earth mixed with gravel, in place. The structure of the dry-stone walls is absorbed by the grey ground of fenced-in vineyards, often hardly accessible. Upon each next visit there is something new, the cultivated area is getting larger, there are young grape vines, light, fresh green spots, stretches of new landscape, green-grey structures. In order to bring long-term purpose into that work it is necessary to ensure the necessary structure of life in the towns and villages as well. According to the brief, the school is small. It has five classrooms and a minimal service area. In addition, the entire investment had to remain in modest figures. The new school is made of concrete, sturdy from the outside and with its communications oriented towards the field, the surrounding greenery that tries to become part of it. Its inner space, organized simply, follows the existing configuration of the terrain. A regular, grey, concrete cube in places reveals its inner world that serves children and education, but it is nevertheless adjusted to the means of the community. The entrance porch becomes part of the library and gets a blackboard.
The spatial organization enables different uses, which contributes to the overlapping of activities of the schooling process and the possible needs of the community.
Kada se kod Stona odvojite i s magistrale krenete uzduž Pelješca danas se osjeća jedan pozitivan pomak, optimizam. Naime, kao nekada, od makije i kamenjara ponovno se formiraju novi vinogradi. Prisojne padine okolnih terena ograđuju se kamenim međama koje čuvaju plodno tlo, suhu zemlju pomiješanu s kamenom sitneži. Struktura kamenih međa utapa se u sivu podlogu ograđenog vinograda, često nepristupačnog. Svaki sljedeći dolazak je nešto novo, obrađeno područje se povećava, pojavljuju se mladi čokoti loze, svijetle svježe zelene točke, trake novog pejzaža, zelenosive strukture. Da bi taj rad imao dugotrajnog smisla potrebno je osigurati i onu nužnu strukturu života u naseljima. Škola je prema projektnom zadatku mala, pet učionica i minimalni servisni prostor, a ukupna investicija također se trebala uklopiti u skromne vrijednosti. Nova škola je betonska, čvrsta izvana, a komunikacijama orijentirana prema polju, okolnom zelenilu koje pokušava postati njezin dio. Unutarnji prostor, jednostavno organiziran, slijedi zatečenu konfiguraciju terena. Pravilan, sivi, betonski kubus mjestimično otkriva unutarnji svijet podređen djeci i edukaciji, opet prilagođen mogućnostima zajednice. Ulazni trijem postaje dio knižnice te dobiva školsku ploču.
Prostorna organizacija ostvaruje mogućnost različitog korištenja, što pridonosi preklapanju aktivnosti školskog procesa i mogućih potreba zajednice.
Client: Janjina Elementary School
Gross surface area: 612,93 m2
Site area: 1 540 m2