The dimensions of new structures are one of the principal elements in making a decision regarding the character of the future block. The house opens like a megaphone: it absorbs and utters sounds and messages, clearly defining its relationship to the context. On the southern side, towards the road and the existing buildings, it gets narrower and gains in height, while on the northern side it lies relaxedly on its flank. On both sides it ends with a hole, a screen of the future congress centre. Service, technical, and office facilities define the verges of the structure, forming the conditions for the required activities.
Dimenzija nove izgradnje jedan je od glavnih elemenata pri donošenju odluke o karakteru budućeg bloka. Kuća se poput megafona otvara, upija, odnosno ispušta zvukove, poruke, jasno definirajući odnos prema kontekstu. Na jugu, prema prometnici i postojećim zgradama se sužava, raste u visinu, a na sjeveru opušteno leži u bloku. Na jednoj i drugoj strani završava rupom, ekranom budućega kongresnog centra. Servisni, tehničko–uredski prostori definiraju rubove objekta, formirajući uvjete za tražene aktivnosti.
Client: Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb
Gross surface area: 28 626 m2
Site area: 7 625 m2