Vrbani 3 Elementary School

Vrbani 3 Elementary School

Zagreb, 2008

The already formed residential building on the north and south side clearly defines the block, leaving a gap that in the phase of final shaping seems cramped, insufficiently open to assume the role of a centre, of a public urban space, of an extended living area, along with the required facilities that have to satisfy the needs of new tenants.
The school building is situated along the western edge of the parcel in order to achieve as large a free green surface as possible. The school is oriented towards its inner side, detached into a separate world. Each classroom has its free open space within the mass of the structure. The neighbouring residential buildings tower above the school, whose roof becomes a dominant view from the residential units. The roof surface is treated and shaped in the same way; it forms a fifth façade, which has been given the same attention and importance as the school’s other façades. The building is set so that the major part of the parcel is a free and green area accessible to the entire block. By vertical structuring and positioning of amenities, all classrooms and other learning facilities are clearly detached on the first and the second floor. In this way, the basement and the ground floor, with its social amenities (multi-purpose area, library, gym, etc.) can be used by neighbouring residents in their free time. The ground-floor plan is flexible, so that it leaves the possibility of connecting classrooms and a varied organization of the learning process.

Formirana stambena izgradnja na sjevernoj i južnoj strani jasno definira prostor, ostavljajući prazninu koja u fazi konačnog oblikovanja djeluju skučeno, nedovoljno otvorena da uz tražene sadržaje, koji moraju zadovoljiti potrebe novih stanara, preuzme na sebe i ulogu centra, javnoga gradskog prostora, proširenoga zajedničkog boravka.
Građevina škole smještena je uza zapadni rub parcele kako bi se ostvarilo što više slobodne zelene površine. Škola je orijentirana prema svojoj unutrašnjosti, odvojena u svijet za sebe; svaka učionica ima svoj slobodan otvoren prostor unutar cjelokupnog volumena. Susjedne stambene građevine nadvisuju školu, čiji krov postaje dominantan doživljaj stambenih vizura. Na jednak je način tretirana i oblikovana krovna ploha, formirajući petu fasadu pažnjom i značenjem kao i ostala pročelja. Postavom građevine veći dio parcele je slobodan i zelen prostor dostupan cijelom naselju. Vertikalnim strukturiranjem i pozicioniranjem sadržaja sve učionice i nastavni sadržaji jasno su odvojeni u 1. i 2. etaži. Na taj način podrum i prizemlje u kojima se nalaze društveni sadržaji (pvn, knjižnica, tkz dvorana i ostalo) mogu biti dostupni stanovnicima naselja i njihovim slobodnim aktivnostima. Tlocrt je fleksibilan tako da ostavlja mogućnost spajanja učionica i drugačijeg organiziranja nastavnog procesa.

Vrbani 3 Elementary School

Igor Franić
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Andreja Dodig
Petar Reić
Simona Sović Štos
Zorana Zdjelar

Client: City of Zagreb

Gross surface area: 4 918 m2

Site area: 7 583,57 m2